Although having a baby is one of the most exciting times of your life, it can also be an extremely overwhelming experience, especially for first-timers. In the nine months leading up to the big day, you prepare the baby’s room, buy all the clothing, furniture, toiletries, among others, to be ready when your little one arrives. If this is your first baby, you will no doubt be anxious about certain things, and this is perfectly normal.
However, there is a lot you can do to ease these worries, in the form of positive birth affirmations!
Page Contents
- 1 What exactly are positive birth affirmations?
- 2 What do birth affirmations actually do?
- 3 How can affirmations be used to improve the birthing process?
- 4 How can birth affirmations help me get through labor?
- 5 Positive birth affirmations for your birthing process
- 6 Birth affirmations to say after your baby is born
- 7 The Bottom Line
What exactly are positive birth affirmations?
According to, thinking positive thoughts before, during, and after giving birth is an amazing way to make the whole birthing experience go as smoothly as possible. Visualizing and thinking positive thoughts as you go through the birthing process, will be of great help to you to cope with the fear and pain you feel at the time.
What do birth affirmations actually do?
The purpose behind birth affirmations is quite simple – they help to subdue feelings of anxiety and make the birth process a more pleasant, positive experience for both you and your baby.
Generally, positive birth affirmations are short and easy to memorize and designed in such a way, that the mother can say them to herself before, during, and after giving birth. It reduces the fear that some mothers feel before giving birth, relaxes them, and helps them to go through the whole birthing process with confidence.
How can affirmations be used to improve the birthing process?
The best thing to do is to make banners or posters with your list of affirmations and put them where you can see and read them every day. You can even take them with you and have them on the walls in your hospital room, so you can read them while you are having contractions. There are hundreds of positive birthing affirmations and not all of them work for everyone, so choose the phrases that make you feel good and have the most calming effect on you.
To really enjoy all the benefits of positive birth affirmations, it is important that you get yourself into the right state of mind to receive them. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place where you are completely relaxed. This could be lying on the beach of a tropical island, sitting among flowers in a quiet meadow, or standing under the cool, flowing waters of a waterfall, for instance. In other words, it should be a place that makes you feel protected and completely free from tension.
How can birth affirmations help me get through labor?
During pregnancy, find some positive birth affirmations that make you feel good. They should not be too long, easy to memorize, and meaningful enough to give you the feeling that you are in charge. Saying these affirmations to yourself over and over again from when you go into labor until your baby is born, will help you to think positive thoughts and take your mind off the pain of giving birth. All birthing processes involve a certain amount of pain, whether it’s a natural birth or if the mother has an epidural.
Giving birth can be extremely tiring and repeating these positive affirmations will give you strength and the confidence that the birth of your baby will be a positive experience that goes as smoothly as possible.
Positive birth affirmations for your birthing process
Following is a list of some of the thousands of positive affirmations for you to say during the birthing process as soon as you are feeling completely relaxed:
- I am relaxed and happy that I’m going to finally hold my baby
- I’m putting fear to one side and instead, concentrate on my baby being born
- I trust my body to know exactly what it should do
- I am concentrating on a smooth, easy birth
- I feel safe, secure, and confident
- I am completely relaxed in mind and body
- There is a natural anesthetic going through my body
- My muscles are working together perfectly to make the birth of my baby easier
- My cervix is opening outward to let my baby ease down
- I relax completely as we go quickly through the stages of the birth
- I relax fully and let nature take over the birthing process
- I can see my baby moving easily from my womb
- The birth will be easy because I am completely relaxed
- I take deep breaths and get rid of tension
- I turn the birthing process over to my body and my baby
- I can feel my body swaying with relaxation
- It is a gentle journey for my baby
- I go even deeper into relaxation as my labor progresses
- My baby is closer to me with every surge of my body
- I am completely at ease and relaxed
- My body remains still and limp
- Only my breath works with each surge – my body remains at ease
- I exhale slowly during each surge
- I feel great and I am beautiful both inside and out
- I push all fear aside and welcome my baby with utter joy and happiness
- The wait for my baby to be born is one of peace-filled joy
- Being relaxed helps me to experience my pregnancy with confidence and trust
- I feel much better after each deep breath
- I trust that the birth will be calm and peaceful for my baby, that it’s quick, and brings me endless joy
- I feel the same about my baby’s birth as I do about the desire and love I feel about life
- I am preparing for the birth of my baby with my entire body and soul
- I take deep breaths and I am completely relaxed
- When I relax, my baby relaxes with me
- My baby will be born happy and without pain because I am totally relaxed
- I can do it and I will do it because I feel as if I have already done it!
- My calmness and joy carries over to my baby – my baby can feel my love
- Both my baby and I are loved
- I am a good mother and I feel intense love for my baby
- My baby trusts me, and I trust my body – we’re in this together
- I’m a woman and was made to do this
Birth affirmations to say after your baby is born
- I have enormous trust in myself and my abilities
- I already feel beautiful, completely beautiful
- Giving birth is a natural, healthy event
- My baby and I are working perfectly together – we are grateful for this amazing experience
- I am giving my baby the best possible start in life
- I let myself celebrate the birth of my baby with every sensation within me
- The birth has strengthened me, my partner, and our baby
The Bottom Line
Birthing affirmations aren’t for everyone, but they are there to use during your birthing process if you want to. You can say them between contractions, and they can be used irrespective of whether you have a natural birth or not.
Affirmations help you to take a moment or two to breathe deeply, listen to your body, and to bond with your baby.
Read these affirmations and recite them when you’re giving birth. However, keep reminding yourself too, that whatever happens, you are awesome, you’ve got this, and you can handle anything that the birthing process expects of you and your body!